Logan’s Run by William F. Nolan

Logan’s Run

by William F. Nolan

Genre: Science Fiction

Publisher: Dial Press

Length: 133 pages

Released: 1967

About the Author: William F. Nolan is a prolific author of short stories, novels, and screenplays in fiction, fantasy, and horror. A two-time winner of both the Edgar Award and the Bram Stoker Award, he was recognized by the Horror Writers Association in 2009 with the Bram Stoker Award for Lifetime Achievement. He received the Grand Master Award at the 2015 World Horror Convention.

Summary: Logan-3 is a trained killer living in the 23rd century, when no one lives over the age of 21. He is known to be one of the best assassins, and is determined to destroy a safe haven for those who want to defy the system, known as Sanctuary. However, when he meets Jessica, he realizes that there may be a life worth living after his palm flower turns, signifying he has reached his Lastday. Now, that sanctuary may be his only chance at survival—if it even exists at all. 

Review: Logan’s run is a classic piece of science fiction, and its influence has spanned over generations of speculative writers, even to this day. Short and to the point, the story could  have benefited from a little more detail surrounding certain historical events and specific policies of this complex society, but the narrative is no less straightforward or easy to understand.

In the end, this quickly digestible book does a fantastic job of walking you through an interesting teenage society, and clearly lays the groundwork for the modern day YA dystopian genre. While the ages of the characters do skew a bit older than typical young adult, it is clear that this book was a major influence on how successful archetypes of this genre should be designed, and why our expectations of them have evolved to what they are today.


Logan’s run is a must-read for science fiction lovers. While the overall story leaves a little to be desired, this classic tale will help lay the groundwork for understanding the genre as a whole. If you are an avid reader of sci-fi, you’ll be able to pinpoint influences that Logan’s run has had on modern blockbusters, especially within a Young Adult dystopian frame. Even with a story that is fairly baseline, Logan’s Run sets a precedent for success in an era when low-quality pulp fiction was dominating the shelves.

Talia Santopadre

BC Retro Reviews

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